Bible Study Questions

Chapter 10 Bible Study Questions
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Bible Study- Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - The Creative Mother
1.  Romans 1:18-20.  What has been a constant testimony of God's greatness throughout the ages?  To what does the phrase, "His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made" refer?  Why, then, is it important to expose our children to creation?

2.  Proverbs 24:3-4.  What does this verse say about a home?  What does it mean to fill a house with "all precious and pleasant riches"?  Does your home reflect this verse?  What do you lack?

3.  Job 38:1-7 (actually, the passage extends from Job 38:1 to 40:2).  What is God's answer to Job's friends, who lack understanding for Job's suffering?  What is the point of this passage?  What are some ways you can expose your children to the bigness and holiness of God?
4.  John 1:1-3.  Where was Jesus at the beginning of the world?  What part did he play in creation?  If we know him and have his life in us, how should that reflect in the creative areas of our own life?  How can you make creation and nature more a part of your life?  

My "Something to Try"

Prayer Requests

Chapter 9 Bible Study Questions
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Bible Study- Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Keeper of the Domain
1.  Proverbs 6:6-8.  What does this passage teach us about how we should manage our lives?  Why is self-motivation so important to our task?  What home-making task tends to overwhelm you the most?  Take a minute to brainstorm some ways you can simplify your life to make this task easier.
2.  Proverbs 31:27-29.  What are some of the "ways" of your household that need attending?  What are the results of being a good manager at home according to verses 28-29?  In what areas can you reduce household-related stress?
3.  1 Thessalonians 4:11.  What does it mean to "make it your ambition to lead a quiet life"?  In what ways do too many activities tend to take away from the peace and emotional connection of our homes?

4.  1 Peter 3:3-4.  How does a gentle and quiet spirit exhibit itself in real life?  How does your own peacefulness of heart feed the souls of your children?  What worries or issues are keeping your heart from trusting God?  How can you seek to develop a more peaceful attitude in relationship with all those who live in your home?
My "Something to Try"
Prayer Requests

Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 Bible Study Questions
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Bible Study - Chapter 7
1. Ephesians 4:1-3. What adjectives in this verse describe the kind of love we are to give one another as believers? What might it mean in practical terms to show "patience" or "forbearance" to one another? (The words in verse 2 might vary according to the translation you are using.) Why do we, as sinners, need people in our lives who can "bear with us"? How can we, as mothers, preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?

2. 1 Peter 4:8. In what specific ways can love cover a multitude of sins? What is there about Peter's relationship with Jesus that helped him learn this lesson (see Matthew 16:21-23; 26:69-75)? Why do our children sometimes need for us to overlook some of their sins and shortcomings?

3. Proverbs 15:1. What, according to this verse, turns away wrath? What stirs up anger? What does it mean, in practical terms, to discipline with a spirit of gentleness? How can we avoid stirring up anger and still give our children the firmness they need?

4. Hebrews 10:24-25. According to these verses, how do we stimulate one another to love and good deeds? Why must we consider (plan or think about) how to do this? In what kinds of situations does your child most need encouragement? In what ways can you help by considering his or her needs?

My "Something to Try"

Prayer Requests

Bible Study - Chapter 8
1. Proverbs 22:15. Foolishness is a synonym for immaturity. With this definition in mind, how would you rephrase this verse? What does this imply about the importance of cultivating or nurturing children?

2. Proverbs 22:6. What does "in the way he should go" mean? What does the word "train" mean to you? How long does training in the heart of a child last? What happens to the heart training of a child who has many conflicting cultural voices coming his way?

3. Proverbs 24:5. Why is a wise man strong? The word translated wisdom in Proverbs has the same meaning as "knowledge of life" or "skillful living." How does a person of knowledge or skill increase his power or influence? How can you provide a foundation for your child in the areas of wisdom, skill, and knowledge?

4. Proverbs 22:29. How does providing your children with real skills give him or her the opportunity to excel in life? What does this verse imply? How does this apply to motherhood?

My "Something to Try"

Prayer Requests